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Water Rights and Services in Real Estate Development

Real estate development is another industry where water rights play a crucial role. Whether it’s residential, commercial, or recreational development, access to water is essential for both the construction process and the long-term viability of the property. Developers must carefully consider water rights during the planning and execution phases of their projects to ensure compliance with regulations and to meet the needs of future occupants.

Water Rights in Real Estate Development

Water rights in real estate development involve the legal entitlement to use water from natural or artificial sources for the purpose of supporting new developments. These rights are critical when developing properties in areas with limited water availability or where water resources are heavily regulated.

In many cases, real estate developers must secure water rights before proceeding with construction, as failure to do so can result in project delays, increased costs, or even the inability to complete the development. Water rights may be acquired through purchase, lease, or transfer, depending on the local regulations and the availability of water resources.

Water Rights for Real Estate Development

Relevant Services for Real Estate Development

  1. Water Rights Transfer:

    • Developers often need to acquire existing water rights or transfer them from one property to another. This process requires navigating complex legal frameworks and ensuring that the rights are sufficient to meet the needs of the development.
  2. Water Rights Application:
    • For new developments, especially in areas without existing water infrastructure, developers may need to apply for new water rights. This process can involve environmental impact assessments, community consultations, and coordination with regulatory agencies.
  3. Water Rights Valuation:
    • Water rights can significantly impact the value of a development project. Accurate valuation is essential for budgeting, securing financing, and negotiating with other stakeholders.
  4. Water Rights Due Diligence Reports:

    • Before purchasing land for development, due diligence reports on water rights are essential. These reports verify the validity and extent of existing water rights, assess any potential risks, and ensure that the water supply will meet the needs of the development.
  5. Water Use Reporting:

    • Many jurisdictions require ongoing water use reporting, especially in areas with water scarcity or where developments have a significant impact on local water resources. Compliance with these reporting requirements is essential for maintaining water rights.
  6. Water Rights Permits:

    • Obtaining water rights permits is a critical step in the development process. These permits may be required for water extraction, well drilling, or the construction of water-related infrastructure such as dams or reservoirs.

Challenges and Opportunities in Real Estate Development

Real estate development is full of challenges, especially when it comes to securing the water rights necessary to bring projects to life. With increasing competition for water resources, stricter environmental regulations, and the complexities of navigating local water laws, developers need to be on top of their game to avoid delays and ensure their projects are successful. But these challenges also open the door to exciting opportunities. By embracing sustainable water management practices and innovative water-use strategies, developers can not only meet regulatory requirements but also enhance the value and appeal of their properties.

Having the right water rights expert in your corner is essential to overcoming these hurdles and making the most of the opportunities in real estate development. Scott Fein is one of the best in the business, with extensive experience in navigating the intricacies of water rights for developers. Scott’s hands-on approach and deep knowledge make him the go-to professional for ensuring your projects have the water resources they need to succeed. With Scott Fein by your side, you can confidently move forward with your development plans, knowing that your water rights are in good hands.


Contact Us Today

Scott Fein is a licensed Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) in Oregon and is registered with the Oregon State Board of Engineering Examiners and Land Surveyors.

Water Rights Pro

Our Services


Water Right Transfers

We facilitate the transfer of water rights, providing comprehensive support throughout the process. Our services ensure that transfers are legally compliant and efficiently executed.

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Claim of Beneficial Use Survey

We help you establish and prove the beneficial use of water rights, ensuring compliance with Oregon state regulations. Our meticulous documentation and expert analysis guarantee that your water rights are recognized and protected.

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New Water Right Applications

We guide you through the process of applying for new water rights, ensuring that your application meets all legal and regulatory criteria. Our thorough approach increases the likelihood of a successful outcome.

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